Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Temperatures have dipped and we are officially in the winter season. As with all previous winters, I should be toasty warm with a pot of tea going on the coffee table doing my needlework.
It's a bit different this year. I still have my pot of tea going, I still am busy with yarn and thread. What I am not is toasty warm. If anything, I'm freaking, freaking cold. As I was telling The Girlfriend earlier this afternoon, I'm beyond thick sweaters and wraps. Instead, I've gone for my 1.5m by 2m fleece blanket instead. If one were to peek into my apartment window these days, one will no doubt spy a walking fleece blanket in blinding cherry red with a head sticking out at the top. That would invariably be me.
And the reason for all this? Well, the Chinese government does not activate the heaters for all private housing and most commercial buildings in general until 15 November. The apartment is now an ice-box. Thank goodness I had the foresight to take along electric under blankets for the beds when we left. Hubs poohed-poohed the idea but I dug in my heels on the issue. I don't know about you but I hate getting into an ice slab for a bed during winter. Also, the heat relaxes my back muscles making it feel so terribly good after a long day. And in any case, guess who thinks bringing the electric blankets is a great idea now?
We are shopping for portable heaters this weekend. My freezing insides have declared it so.Labels: Beijing, home life
The Dutchess of Cookalot whipped this up at 5:59 am