
Flambe yes; Flaming no

Friday, August 04, 2006

You can now leave your comments under each entry. I was in two minds about it because I do not appreciate being flamed. Anyhow, I've added the feature and we'll see how it goes.

However, I do enjoy a good flambe or two. While in the Gran Canaria earlier this year, we had dinner at a restaurant which specializes in flambe. Due to some miscommunication (my Spanish is really limited), my order of scallop became escalope. Now, as you know, these two are worlds apart. Scallops are happy in the sea , minding their own business until they get scooped up, while escalope, in my case, of veal, prance around on dry land.

Imagine my dismay when the waitress serves me my order. Pointing to my plate, I ask her," Er, scallops?" And she proudly goes," Si, escalope."

Anyway, I didn't want to make a fuss so I got down to it. And I'm glad I did because that was one of the most awesome, no, make that the most awesome veal I ever had. It was so tender and succulent and was drowned in this fantastic sauce which had raisins in it. At first bite, I could tell the chef wasn't at all shy with the liquer during the flambe. 10 brownie points.

I followed the main course with flambe cherries which came with crepes and ice cream. Again, not shy with the liquer. Another 20 brownie points. Burp!

I haven't actually tried to flambe at home for fear of setting the kitchen on fire but it sure is one of my to-do list. First, I need to look for a really good recipe. That and making sure that the batteries in my fire alarm works.

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The Dutchess of Cookalot whipped this up at 8:10 am

1 calories
Reminds me of the flambes at Shaslik...yum!!!
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