
The History Of Cake

Saturday, February 03, 2007

A lady from a food forum of which I'm a member of, posted an interesting thread on the history of cake. Me, being a history buff, decided to do some more research on my own. I found some really cool sites bursting with information.

If you have the time, and I do mean, have the time as these make for lengthy reading, do visit here, here and here. And if you're still up to it, you might want to read about wedding cakes and tiramisu.

Just another thing I want to point out. Marie Antoinette never said "Let them eat cake!" An excerpt taken from a book I recently finished:

This story was first told about the Spanish Princess who married Louis XIV a hundred years before the arrival of Marie Antoinette in France; it continued to be repeated about a series of other Princesses throughout the eighteenth century. As a handy journalistic cliche, it may never die. Yet, not only was the story wrongly ascribed to Marie Antoinette in the first place, but such ignorant behaviour would have been quite out of character. The unfashionably philanthropic Marie Antoinette would have been far more likely to bestow her own cake (or brioche) impulsively upon the starving people before her. - Antonia Fraser, author of "Marie Antoinette - The Journey"

Now, let me go eat cake!


The Dutchess of Cookalot whipped this up at 4:52 am

0 calories
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