Extreme Date
Thursday, February 14, 2008
So we went on a date today, Hubs and I.
My parents took Sonny-boy out for the day which freed us up for some couple time. And no, it wasn't because it was Valentine's Day, things just worked out that way. Hubs and I don't do Valentine's Day just like we don't do Mother's Day, Father's Day and a whole slew of commercial holidays, save Christmas. It is safe to assume we are every advertiser's nightmare.
And how did we spend our couply day? Oh well, you know, the usual couply way. Like going for a movie, getting our wedding and my engagement rings spiffied up and getting a second tattoo each. Yup, you read that right. A tattoo. Normal people buy jewellery, go on holiday and such by way of reaffirming vows made on that special day. Not Hubs and I. We inflict excruciating pain on each other. Nothing bonds quite like two and a half hours spent together at a tattoo studio. Even better when you're being tattooed side by side which we were.
Hubs got a beautiful blue and red dragon on his right upper arm whilst I had a lovely fairy sitting on a stalk of flowers done on my left hip / upper thigh. To match the existing butterfly sitting on my right shoulder blade. Both tattoos are about 14cm long and the two guys who did them are real artists. The colours were beautifully and painstakingly (in more ways than one) blended making them look like they were painted with a sable haired brush and not a cold, fierce looking needle which breaks skin and draws blood. The sound of the machine is not unlike the dentist's drill.
Midway through the process, I was told the hip area is a sensitive (read painful, extra painful) spot to tattoo. So you will excuse me while I brag about how I waived off the numbing cream and took it like a woman. But I will also say this is a million times worse than my Cesaerean when delivering Sonny-boy.
And to my dear husband, this is our last tattoo together. No more.
That's what we said the last time.Labels: home life
The Dutchess of Cookalot whipped this up at 8:09 am