Of Heaters and Ginger Tea
Monday, November 10, 2008

We scooted off to Sunning, an electrical mega chain-store on Saturday and bought three compact but powerful portable heaters. They rotate, have controllable speeds and temperatures, double up as a fan if put into cool mode and even come with a personal remote control. Best of all, they are WARM. *sigh of contentment*
And to keep morale up in this cold Beijing winter, I've taken to drinking ginger tea. It's not in the form of a tea-bag, nor do I boil the root. Rather, this made in Korean version has the consistency of jam. You take about one rounded tablespoon of the sweet, gooey concentrate (complete with slices of ginger), and mix it in boiling water and voilà, hot spicy ginger tea to warm the insides. For added flavour, I also stir in a tablespoon of honey and finish up with a sprinkle of cinnamon.

Labels: 100% sugar, home life, tea
The Dutchess of Cookalot whipped this up at 7:16 pm