One Of Those Days
Thursday, December 11, 2008
What was supposed to be a routine dental slap and dash for a toothache turned out to be an epic two and half hour session on the chair. During that time I had an x-ray, two major fillings and ... *drumroll*... a root canal treatment done. My fourth in two years. Ack!
I am however grateful for the following:
- The dentist with her wonderful skill and bedside manner especially since I have enough canals in the infected molar to rival those of Venice. Kindly note that each canal had at least "a few" infected nerves which needing dealing with.
- The dental assistant who held my hand and shoulder down when I started shaking involuntarily from the pain. That simple act of kindness was very reassuring. Or maybe she wanted to keep things steady for the dentist.
- The six jabs given to numb the pain. The dosage was enough to stun an elephant but was completely useless on me. I felt everything. As with the previous root canal treatments.
- We have dental coverage. This adventure is costing the insurance company €480. Well, better them than us.
- My ipod nano. After checking with the dentist, I plugged them on and listened to the entire soundtrack of "Hairspray" twice to ease the tension. It worked so well I still have John Travolta singing in drag ringing in my head as we speak.
- Sonny-boy for keeping out of my way and the Hubby for taking care of the wounded, doped out puppy I was when he got home from work. All day and into the night I was three steps slower than normal and so out of it. Sonny-boy may have punched the air in glee when I told him I wouldn't be talking for the rest of the day but sobered up real quick when I added I could still punish if need be.
- Last but not least, Fenbid. These ibuprofen packed time-release capsules are wonderful! Except for some soreness, it doesn't hurt at all.
Have a good weekend everyone!Labels: home life
The Dutchess of Cookalot whipped this up at 7:27 pm