And... We're Back
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
I didn't plan on taking a hiatus. It just came about naturally. The many things which happened these last months had nothing to do with food and while I do share about the latest going-ons in Cookalot, some things are just best left in the family closet.
Several changes have taken place this year. First up, we have moved. For once it's just apartments and not countries. We had only signed on for a year in the previous one and the lease ended in July. It's still a three-bedroom condo, only smaller. But what we sacrificed in space, we exchanged for location. We are now living in a prime spot in terms of dining, entertainment and shopping. Most importantly, I can now walk Sonny-boy to school as opposed to sending and fetching him home in a cab. Yep, still haven't got round to learning how to drive. Next year. Promise.
Which brings me to the other major change. Starting in January this year, we have enrolled Sonny-boy in a local school. When we first arrived, we put him in an international school but the environment wasn't as conducive or nurturing as we would have liked it to be. After some discussion between Hubs and I, we decided we would try him out in a local school. Now the Singapore school system is notorious for being strait-laced but we thought the structure is exactly what Sonny-boy needs. I will not bore you with the details except to say he is doing well - not top of his class but not failing either - and has even joined the Red Cross. There are a couple of foreign students in his class so at least they have some common ground. To date, he's got two close friends, a boy from Singapore and a girl from Texas. Yes, blond haired, blue-eyed and all. Not in the inner circle but buddies all the same are another two boys from India and Vietnam. So, it's really quite good.
This is all I have time to chat about now. There are the other bits and pieces, but like the twelve days of Christmas, we'll count them down one at a time.
For the moment, pasta making beckons.
So nice to have my mojo back again.Labels: home life
The Dutchess of Cookalot whipped this up at 7:06 am