
At Random

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

It's been almost a week since I made an entry and yes, it's because I've been busy. Busy in the kitchen, busy at my needlecraft, busy with my two men and busy with the day-to-day going-ons.

I've also been feeling abit off. By off, I mean a tension headache which results in the whole of my head, face and neck feeling swollen and well, achey. As if that's not enough, it's the Time Of The Month. Big, strong, macho, manly men have been known to quiver and break when their better halves go through PMS on a monthly basis. My manly man is lucky this month, he's taken cover in Beijing on the pretext of business.

Anyhow, that's also partly the reason why I haven't written. I'm sitting out this patch of sour weather before I put finger to type key. In my current mood, I can pickle vegetables just my looking at them, what hope is there of me being pleasantly chatty here? And I've always been mindful of making this blog a gripe-free zone.

So do be patient, I shall be back.

Oh, and I'm going to do some actual pickling later on in the afternoon. I found out yesterday I'm all out of pickled green chilli and in Cookalot, that's a serious no-no.


The Dutchess of Cookalot whipped this up at 5:17 am

5 calories
Hey, hope you bounce back soon! I miss your cheerful posts.
Wah you poor girl, do take care then and recover your cool self asap. Though see no harm in letting off steam in your own blog (grin)...
Rachel: Thanks! I WILL be back. You are in need of some TLC yourself too. I just read about your nerve scare.

S: It's the weather that's brought this about. The wind just stabs right through you. I've been wrapping my head up with a fleece shawl cum hood and now look like the Little Match Girl. LOL. But at least it helps.

As for letting off steam, that's what Hubs and best friends are for. For me to whinge at you, you've got to earn that er, priviledge. *haha*
What a coincidence. It's that time of month for me too, and that's what was troubling me two days back. Really suffering, bad cramps etc. Poor thing to you, but glad am not alone. Take care, my dear. Hope you are back to normal soon.
Oh dear, hope you're better now, maybe I can cheer you up, Kino having 20% sale, any interests??? Kekeke
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