Sunday Stroll In The Woods
Monday, November 19, 2007

The sun was out in full force over the weekend.
This was warmly greeted by us, having been starved of decent sunlight over the last three weeks or so.
Not wanting to waste it, we all decided to go for a walk in the woods. Parents-in-law included. We drove to a little village called Groesveld where they had nothing but farmland and forests, parked the car and began our trek. We decided to take the Green Route and followed the green markers placed at intervals. This took us up a fairly steep hill, round it and down again. The ground was muddy and leaves slippery wet from the previous rain. Many a time I had to cling onto the Hubby's arm for support even though I was wearing rubber soled suede boots.

Watching Sonny-boy enjoy himself - running, chasing a tennis ball Mother-in-law brought along, poking around the leaves and collecting sticks and branches - I couldn't help but think how lucky he was to be surrounded by all this nature.

Speaking of nature, it got abit too au natural for a city bred girl like me. At one point, we saw a teeny, tiny field mouse rustling among the leaves. Everyone, save me, was going awwww, zo leuk, so cute etc. I literally took off running, hands over my mouth to silence my screams. It's bad business to be screaming in quiet forests unless there's a perfectly good reason like say, being attacked or discovering a corpse. Or something. Being deathly afraid of rodents just doesn't classify as A Good Reason.

After the walk, we went to a nearby cafe to thaw ourselves out with a spot of hot coffee and tea. It might have been sunny but temperatures were a frosty 5oC with a rather nippy wind thrown in so we don't forget it's almost winter.
To round up the pleasant day, we all trooped back to the in-laws' house where Mother-in-law had promised us dinner earlier on. She decided on a typical Limburgs winter farmer fare.
To start, we had a bowl of Tomato and Leek soup. This had bits of salmon floating about and it was so good.

For the main meal, Mother-in-law put out a spread of smoked pork rib carbonade, sausages, sour cabbage with pineapples, creamed potatoes and a vegetable salad. Your everyday, honest to goodness home-cooked meal. Lekker!

I also noticed Mother-in-law using the tablecloth I stitched for her some five years ago. Needless to say, I was super pleased. Come to think of it, she almost always has it on the table when we come round for dinner. *beams*

And how was your weekend?Labels: going places, home life
The Dutchess of Cookalot whipped this up at 3:01 pm