Parents' Night
Thursday, November 15, 2007
This evening was our slated appointment with Sonny-boy's form teacher. It's common practice at his school for parents to meet with their child's respective teachers to discuss said child's report card grades. These are given out a week later so this appointment is a sneak preview, if you will.
I get a tad nervous on such meetings. I feel as if it's ME getting my report card. In a way, I do feel it's a reflection of me as I see my son as an extension of myself.
Sonny-boy didn't disappoint - he scored straight As in the tests and is generally good academically and socially. I am so relieved. Hubs was extrememly pleased too. You see, we are not pushy parents (by Singaporean standards) when it comes to studies. Not yet anyway. I'm very strict on getting homework done on time while Hubs vets through all completed homework before Sonny-boy hands them in. And that's about all we do. In a way, I'm glad Sonny-boy is in the Dutch school system as opposed to the Singaporean pressure cooker environment. His teachers aren't just concerned with grades, they also emphasise on other aspects such as character and social development. So much so, there's a special category for it in the report card.
Oh, and lest you think Sonny-boy is an angel, he's not. We were told he's got a penchant for inappropriate words, some in Dutch and some English. No hardcore swearing or anything like that but 'bad' enough to warrant some attention and a ten minute detention.
Time to go parent a certain seven year old boy...Labels: home life
The Dutchess of Cookalot whipped this up at 3:39 pm