Chicken Run And The Great DVD Marathon
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Sonny-boy and I just can't see or taste chicken anymore.
I made Hainanese Chicken Rice on Monday and from that 2.5l pot of pure chicken stock, I, like a magician pulling all manner of suprises from my hat, made a few dishes which sustained us all throughout the week. We had Kai Xi Mein (Shredded Chicken Noodles), Chicken Macaroni soup, chicken porridge and of course, chicken rice. All except Thursday when Sonny-boy cried fowl foul. I took pity on him and made him a cheese and salami pizza instead. The next evening, we were back on the bandwagon with chicken porridge.
Why am I doing this, you ask? Well, Hubs is away and to be honest, I've been feeling off skelter and wanted to make life as easy as possible. I didn't feel like doing too much in the kitchen. I can't cook when I'm moody.
However, nothing lifts me more than needlework so that's what I've been doing all week. Stitching and crochetting. And running The Great DVD Marathon. I recently purchased an entire season of Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot and the first season of Hotel Babylon and have been ploughing through them relentlessly. In addition to my current aversion to chicken, I can also add square eyes to the list.
Hotel Babylon is a scream. I only caught bits and pieces of it on the BBC and was almost going to order the DVD online when I saw it on sale at the local Intertoys. It was going for 9.90 euros and I had to do a double take to check it didn't say 19.90, or 29.90 or even 39.90. Having determined it was indeed below 10 euros, I made a grab for it. The second season is on sale as well at Amazon.co for 29.90 pounds and if not for certain circumstances, it would already be in the post, on its way to me. It might still happen, we'll see. What I will be ordering, however, is the book it's based on. Anyhow, if you haven't watched it before, do - the storylines are entertainingly outrageous and the actors, natural and believable. The guest stars are cool too. In one episode, Joan Collins made an appearance but she played such a sweet and gracious mega rich widow, she was hardly recognisable. I want my beloved Alexis Carrington back!Labels: one dish meals, this and that
The Dutchess of Cookalot whipped this up at 11:30 am