Showers Of Blessings
Saturday, January 10, 2009
As you know, well if you didn't, you do now, the Chinese equate water with wealth and good fortune. Just a few days before Christmas, we were literally wading in it. One of our main water pipes in the kitchen exploded and wealth gushed out every which way. It rained all over the kitchen floor. I tried catching the flow with a pail but the aircon condenser got in the way. The water began spreading all over the kitchen floor and the minute I realised it was going to flood, there was a mad obstacle race around the apartment lifting and unplugging of all electrical appliances. However, I must add with some embarrassment, the first object I rescued was my knitting bag, sitting by the coffee table. One should know one's priorities. I also made a frantic call to Hubs asking him to "come back now, the damn apartment is flooding!" The dear man dropped everything and rushed home, no doubt with heart beating that much faster. This was the first time in our marriage I've ever summoned him from work.
In the meantime, I got Sonny-boy to put on his rain boots as I did mine. I went to the utilities room outside our apartment to see if there was a valve I could turn off. Well, there were so many of them, I didn't dare nor know which one to pick. It was a case of the red wire or the blue. Maybe the yellow. Well, I didn't want to escalate the situation so I left it and went back into the apartment. By then, the water level had reached about 1.5 inches throughout the apartment. Sonny-boy was sloshing around happily - how often does one get their own indoor pool? - and out of habit, I told him not to make a mess.
Anyway, the calvary came, order was restored and I spent the rest of the evening mopping and cleaning up whatever good fortune was left on the floor. Incidentally, that particular Monday was the day I had a raging fever and cold. Sonny-boy had just begun his winter holidays so the plan was for me to sleep in the entire day and get better but it as luck would have it, there was a change in agenda.
For those who like to know why, the water pipe burst because of the below freezing temperatures we've been experiencing. And something good did come out of this: the next day I saw a notice put up in the lift lobby saying due to the recent cold spell, all kitchen pipes will be inspected from so and so period of time to prevent possible damage from happening.
Always glad to be of public service.Labels: home life, oh no
The Dutchess of Cookalot whipped this up at 7:59 pm