
C is also for Clumsy

Thursday, December 07, 2006

I made a hit and run trip to the supermarket earlier this morning to pick up some stuff for tonight's dinner. In my haste to beat the bad weather, I raced about the aisles gathering the neccesary supplies. At the condiments section, I made a sharp right turn and didn't see the display at the side. My loaded basket hit it. Of course. And of course the display had to comprise of six-pack beers stacked from here to Mount Everest. My heart just about stopped when the beer cans started swaying. I stood there breathless and transfixed. After what seemed like the longest time, the cans stabilized and my pulse went back to normal.

Or so I thought.

My pulse shot sky high again on the way home. Against better judgement, I decided to cycle to the supermarket. Never mind if the wind was on the gusty side. As long as it doesn't rain, I said to myself....

Well, it did stay dry but the wind - the wind! It was so strong it started making swooshing sounds. As I was cycling home, I thought I was going to do an ET. You know the memorable part in the movie (of the same name) where ET cycles up into the sky? Yup, just like that. And without the help of movie magic and special effects too. That was when the wind was behind me, pushing me along. However, at the last leg of my ride, the wind went against me and to put it mildly, I had a good cardio workout. Thank goodness I exercise regularly so my heart and lungs didn't explode on the way home.

And how was your morning?

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The Dutchess of Cookalot whipped this up at 6:34 am

2 calories
Woah! Looks like you had an exciting morning. Hope you had recovered from all that 'pulsating moments' :p
Such an adventurous trip to the supermart!!!
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