Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Here's a little something I stitched up for K's birthday earlier this year. This pretty little fairy is called Fern and is from Nora Corbett's Pixie Couture Collection. It's been on K's to-do list eversince the design was released. Being a busy working mum of two tots, the prospect of her ever putting needle to fabric was pretty slim. So I thought I'd surprise her and surprise her I did. I swear, half the fun of giving presents is the intended party's reaction (hopefully good) and appreciation. Even though I never got to see her open the envelope, just reading her blog entry was like being there.
Fern is stitched on 32 count handpainted linen specially ordered from Enchanted Fabrics. It is aptly named Summer Glade and has lovely swishes of green, pink and yellow to offset the colours of Fern's gown.
It took me about two weeks of nocturnal stitching and whatever free time I could scrounge in the day. You see, I wanted it sent out before we moved so I was working on the piece in the midst of Christmas and relocation prep.
I enjoyed stitching Fern so much - it has all of my favourite elements of cross-stitching; a feminine, whimsical design, beadwork and the use of metallic threads. It was with much reluctance I wrapped and posted her to the other side of the pond but she's in good hands. I should know, I saw her all framed up and displayed on the table when we visited K at her home in Singapore this February.

Labels: my other passion, sew gorgeous
The Dutchess of Cookalot whipped this up at 8:45 am