Square Eyes
Saturday, April 05, 2008
The Powers That Be, aka the Chinese Censorship Board (yes, all 30,000 of them) have taken pity on this desperate housewife and lifted the firewall. As of Wednesday evening, I can now view blogs hosted by Blogger and have been catching up on all my friends - what's been happening, what they've been up to and most importantly, what they've been cooking and eating. Hence the square eyes.
I still can't read the ones hosted by Wordpress, Typepad, Xanga etc but it's okay. Baby steps and all that. As with all things here, I don't know how long this luxury will last but you can be sure I'm going to enjoy it while it does.
Oh, and I still can't view my own blog! *pulling neatly coiffered hair out in frustration*Labels: home life
The Dutchess of Cookalot whipped this up at 12:03 am