I Will Be Back...
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
... when I get over my motion sickness from being on board a ship for four days. It's difficult to type when you can't focus on the screen and your finger keeps hitting 'R' when what you really want is an 'E'.
Three days have passed since we disembarked and I can't even stand still without swaying involuntarily . The first day on terra firma was bad. I was dizzy, nauseous and had to throw up several times. This is ironic because the aforementioned symptons were precisely what Hubs and I had braced myself for on deck. It came as a pleasant surprise when I was only dizzy the first night and was fine thereafter.
I do hope this passes soon. I had to cancel yoga yesterday because, lord help us, I would have toppled over like a pack of cards.
However, to look on the bright side,
we now know I can handle a cruise in terms of sea sickness without me wanting to throw myself overboard; this little weekend thingy had been a dry run of sorts.
at time of writing, I have since stopped hurling the contents of my stomach into the abyss of the toilet bowl.
I currently walk like a drunken sailor who's had one too many shots of rum as opposed to having downed two kegs - so vividly demonstrated by my gait over the last two days.
Hic!Labels: Beijing, going places, home life
The Dutchess of Cookalot whipped this up at 10:20 pm