Close Call
Monday, August 04, 2008
I was just telling The Girlfriend how over the weekend, Hubs has been playing the doctor and me, the nervous patient over my computer.
Sometime Saturday morning, while Sonny-boy was playing his Need For Speed game, the 'puter and not the racing cars crashed and flatlined. Sonny-boy yelped for Dad and after a thorough examination which was more of an autopsy given the situation, the diagnosis was gloomy. The hard drive had crashed, something-something file was corrupt and all information stored... well, I should just kiss them goodbye. Now it was my turn to go into cardiac arrest and flatline.
My documents! My photos! My recipes! My photos! My craft inventory lists! My photos!
I beseeched the Hubby to save my photos. I think I may have said something along the lines of "I don't care for the other stuff, just save the photos!!! " The photos in question were holiday and special occasion snaps taken over the previous year, ones not copied onto a disk yet. My memories.
There is a happy ending.
Hubs did manage to coax the damn machine back to life whereupon he made a backup of all the files. I am so relieved. Hubs is a genius. Hubs is also away on business most of this week so it will be the weekend before my computer is up and running properly again.
With no access to my photos, I'm in blogging purgatory. No matter, it was better than the hell I was in over the weekend thinking all was lost.
Did I already mention Hubs was a genius?Labels: home life
The Dutchess of Cookalot whipped this up at 9:23 am