
Veni, Vidi, Visa - Ferragamo Gilia

Monday, November 02, 2009

I'd wanted to write an engaging piece to go with the photos of my newly acquired Gilia but try as I might, nothing flowed out. I mean, do you really want to read about how I was lusting after Ferragamo's current Fall/Winter season of burgundy shoes with the trademark Vara bow and how I asked to try on each and every single shoe (I'm shameless like that) in said colour? No, I think not.

The truth of the matter is this: I walked into the boutique yesterday (actually it wasn't even me who wanted shoes, it was Hubs, I was there along for the ride) saw the pair on display by the couch and fell in love with it. Sure I did try on the other burgundy ones just to satisfy my curiosity but my heart was set on the Gilia. Being edgier and sexier but still elegant all the same, this was Ferragamo with an attitude.

And I bought them. Attitude and all.

Different touch - brass palladium coated buckle

Four inches of ecstasy or sheer terror, depending on one's sense of balance

The Gilia also comes in oyster white and camel tan but I think black packs the most punch.

Oh, and Hubs did find a pair of work shoes too. A nice dressy one with tassels that arrived the day before and he was the first customer for it. For someone who used to sniff at my long-term love affair with Ferragamo shoes, he's onto his third pair.


The Dutchess of Cookalot whipped this up at 10:20 am

3 calories
This is the kind of shoes I always lust after (and sometimes buy) but never could wear. I have absolutely no sense of balance.

But it's wow!!!!! And so you. Black is regal and carries punch like you said and that bow gives it a classic yet coy touch.

Email me and tell me how much they are selling the Audrey in Singapore. I'm still bleeding a little and need some consolation...
S, I've emailed you. Hope it helps soothe the pain.

You know, you can probably get this pair for about €50-€100 cheaper in Italy.
Sheer terror for me, but with shoes looking this good, who cares! Lol.
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