The Hubby's Birthday Do
Tuesday, November 13, 2007

"Keep it SIMPLE," implored the Hubby.
"Yes, yes, I will," said I.
"No, really. Keep it simple," reiterated the Hubby.
"Okay, okay. So shall we have both beef and salmon filet steaks?" I asked.
He gave up.
For the record, I did accede to the Hubby's request. There was no big culinary production this time and I even bought some of the items and didn't make them from scratch like I normally do.
We said 3pm in the email invites and most of the guests (only family this time) trickled in after 3.30pm. To start off, we had the customary coffee and confectionery. Hubs didn't want a birthday cake either (damn! there goes my excuse for baking) so I bought cream puffs and Baklava. There were four sorts of puffs available: plain, chocolate covered, chocolate covered nougatine and hazelnut and Belgium chocolate filled ones. I couldn't decide and bought all four assortments.

I had initially wanted to make the Baklava and even bought the ingredients for it. However, the Turkish grocer had a fresh new tray on the counter. I succumbed and took the easy way out. " 16 stukjes, alstublieft." I bleated, feeling guilty about the package of phyllo, butter and pistachio nuts in the refridgerator at home.

After everyone got warmed up with the coffee and pastries, Hubs and I brought out the harder stuff. Enter bottles of bordeaux and tapas. For the munchies, I filled little plastic cups of olives, feta cheese and peppers.

In addition, I put out a plate of tapas which consisted of serano ham and fried quail's eggs on slices of toasted ciabatta bread.

For the main meal, I decided to have beef and salmon filet steaks. And herein lies the twist. Madame suddenly had it in her head that the steaks should be grilled. On the barbecue pit. Never mind a tiny detail called Winter. And that's how Hubs found himself huddling outside, grilling pieces of meat and fish under 7oC conditions. He had his 'rude' David apron on too, which, caused a few lewd comments. *snigger*
Using my cheat's guide recipe, I made a Bearnaise Sauce to go with the meats. The in-laws thought I spent ages whipping the ingredients over a bain Marie, which is technically what you're supposed to do. Anyhow, my short-cut recipe must be working because they never knew the difference. I did 'fess up though. I can't take credit for what I did not do.
The accompanying dishes were just as simple. I made Ratatouille and Nasi Briyani. A tad strange on account of the Briyani but the tastes melded well so that was good. For the cold dishes, there was the usual salads, tinned fruit and assorted breads.
Nasi Briyani
This is a very horrid pic of my salmon filet, so lovingly grilled by Hubs *snigger again*. I simply love char-grilled food and this time, he'd outdone himself. The skin was crisp and the flesh, succulent and tender.

I took photos of the steaks too but they turned out even worse than the salmon ones. This was because of the lighting. We had on spotlights, candlelight and even had a fire crackling merrily away in the fireplace. All this makes for good ambience but crappy pics.
Everyone had good fun and we shooed bid our last guests farewell at 10pm. P, A and V, if you're reading this, know that I say it with affection. Also, Christmas is round the corner...
To my dear Husband, thank you for being so sporting about the barbecue. I love you and I hope you had a great birthday this year.

Labels: home life, she cooks
The Dutchess of Cookalot whipped this up at 3:50 am