Thursday, November 08, 2007

People get inspired by art, nature, architecture. A role model, perhaps. Me, I get inspired by Remy, a cartoon rat. This inspiration drove me to spending a few hours in the kitchen stewing over a pot of Ratatouille.
As this was my virgin attempt, I thought I'd start by doing things the traditional or usual way. I found this recipe and it turned out much better than I anticipated. Hubs who detests vegetables with a vengeance, had not one, but two huge helpings and kept saying how good and delicious it was. The compliments kept flowing here and there for the next hour or so after dinner. Needless to say, I was chuffed. I never thought the way to a man's heart was literally through his stomach. I always had the impression it was lower down south.
Ratatouille is fairly simple to make. The only tricky thing about it is that it's time sensitive where the vegetables are concerned. As such, you must pay a bit of attention to it. You do that and you'll be rewarded with a succulent, juicy vegetable stew.

That evening, in addition to the Ratatouille, I grilled a couple of steaks and toasted some onion bread smeared with cream cheese. It wasn't elaborate but it sure hit the wintery spot.
Next stop: Remy's prettied up version of Ratatouille. Do stay tuned.....
Note: In the recipe I used, there is a choice of three cooking methods. I picked the Common Method. Initially I had wanted to try out the Traditional one but balked at the amount of pots and pans I had to use. Never mind the washing, I've got a dishwasher to take care of it. What I can't stand is a cluttered kitchen, especially when I'm working. And when I'm not, only the bare neccessities are standing on the counter tops.Labels: she cooks
The Dutchess of Cookalot whipped this up at 4:12 pm