Beef Stew Pie
Wednesday, November 07, 2007

How to make a Beef Stew Pie the Dutchess' way:

- Defrost a portion of beef stew you made earlier on. Here, it's Irish Beef Stew from about a month ago. Yes, it does keep if frozen as quickly as possible once cooled. If you don't have any frozen stew, tough luck, you need to make one from scratch. No matter, choose your favourite recipe and away you go. Once done, proceed to Step 2.
- Preheat oven at 200C or follow the instructions on your puff pastry package. Put beef stew in a pie dish or suitable substitute.
- 3. Roll out the puff pastry till about 0.5cm thick. Carefully cover the beef stew with it. Trim excess pastry and seal the edges. If you feel like it, crimp and pleat the edges. If you really feel like it, cut out fancy pants shapes with cookie cutters to decorate. I chose the heart shaped one that day as I was feeling especially lovey dovey - the after effects of a smashingly good holiday.
- Brush the pastry with egg wash and pop it into the oven until pastry is golden brown. For a deeper colour, give the pastry another coating of egg wash halfway during baking.

- Serve hot.
Tell your nearest and dearest that it was made with love and you would be very 'disappointed' if it wasn't polished off. Threaten if neccessary.
Labels: one dish meals, she cooks
The Dutchess of Cookalot whipped this up at 3:08 am