The Visit
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
For someone who's never been on a blind date in her entire life, this was really weird. Meeting someone I've never seen but because of her online journal, feel I know her to some extent. And as the modus operandi of most dating or matchmaking bureaus (I'm just guessing - I've never had need of one. If anything, my social life was too hectic. Just ask my mum), I emailed a family photo of us to her and even called her twice. Just so she knew I was legit and well, because that's the polite and proper thing to do.
So there we were, at Beau Lotus' front door. We missed her front gate once because the house number was not very prominent. However, I did recognise the gate and the house from photos posted on her blog. Being the smarty pants we were, we hadn't asked her for instructions, relying instead on our Tom Tom (a navigational system thingamajig).
Everyone, from husbands to kids got along from the get go. The two older boys disappeared into Eldest Son's room to play Need For Speed:Carbon, Denominator, Whatever on the PS2 while the men sat outside to discuss manly topics. S and I headed towards the kitchen where she was preparing lunch and I was standing respectfully by the side. Women can get territorial when it comes to kitchens, don't you know? Baby Boy and Baby Girl hovered around us whilst playing. I only have one word for Baby Boy - Sniper. He kept shooting rubber darts from his gun, may I add, with 100% accuracy at me. Mostly at my nether lands. I predict a bright future for him in the army. I also had to gently tell him a couple of times to please not step on auntie's shoes okay? to which he responded with blank stares and blissfully continued to ignore the said request. Oh well.
Lunch was fantastic. Indeed, I would not have expected anything less. We flagged off with buschetta and a platter of cured hams and cheeses out on the patio and when we were ready, adjourned indoors for the meal proper.

For starters, there was Venus Clams in White Wine Garlic Sauce,

followed by - joy of joys - duck! In orange sauce! Canard à l'Orange

This was accompanied by Gratin de Chou Fleur (Cauliflower Gratin)and Pan Fried Potatoes.

For dessert, S made a lovely Tarte Tatin served with a scoop of ice cream. Lekker!

Beau Lotus is exactly the same in person as she is on her blog: take-charge, frank and straight to the point. She is also very kind and thoughtful and is a wonderful cook and person. Yes, and boisterous too. I say this with affection - you can hear her laugh a mile off.
Thank you S, for you and your husband's supberb French hospitality. We felt right at home and hopefully, get to do this again some time in future. This time, at our place, of course.
Oh, and we didn't just meet on Sunday. The next day, whilst Hubs was on his private Ferrari factory tour, S and I (with Sonny Boy in tow) met again for a quick bite in a cafe in Maranello where the factory is situated.
And as if that wasn't all, at the suggestion of S's husband, both families met up yet again for dinner at a restaurant (a favourite haunt of theirs) later that evening. The food was great, the company even better, I couldn't have asked for a better start to the holiday.Labels: going places, home life
The Dutchess of Cookalot whipped this up at 4:21 am