
Rules Of Engagement

Monday, December 10, 2007

Eversince he began formal education at the age of four (the Dutch government like to start them young - I'm not complaining, what with an extra 6 hours of sanity on an almost daily basis), Sonny-boy has been quite the ladies' man at his primary school.

For some reason, (most) girls seem to go for him. I don't know what it is that makes him the proverbial pot of honey but okay, it's one of those unexplainable things. Until recently, he's been complaining about how he hates girls, why are they always talking or saying 'hi' to him etc. One even showed her affection by continually shoving him, sometimes to the ground. He's been putting up with it as I've raised my boy never to lay a hand on a girl no matter what. Instead, he's allowed to tell her to stop or tell his teacher. Or as a last resort, tell me.

Anyhow, what a difference three years makes. My son is in love. They are even talking about marriage. It seems a certain brown haired beauty in his class has snagged his heart. M sits diagonally across him and they make goo-goo eyes at each other during class.

Just last week, Sonny-boy did a Tigger at the school gate. Boing, boing, boing through the gate he went. Moments after the bell rang, M had kissed him and given him two love notes which she wrote and made herself. It said, "I love you and you love me too.... yes?" Wow, a girl who knows what she wants and goes for it - I like her already.

My love-struck son returned the gesture by making her four drawings and a paper collage of french fries (presumably M's favourite food). And to ensure there's no misunderstanding of how he really feels, he threw in a bar of Kinder Maxi chocolate as well. If anything, the boy is generous. Like father like son, don't you know. I found a nice paper bag for him to put everything in and wished him luck.


This morning, while brushing his teeth, Sonny-boy disclosed his intention of kissing M today during break time. Upon hearing it, I solemnly laid out the rules of engagement regarding kissing. For good measure, I repeated myself three times, just to make sure he capisce.

Because Mum Said So And I'll Get Into Trouble If I Don't

  1. Before kissing, ASK her for permission. If she says yes, go right ahead, but only on the cheek, please.

  2. If she says no, don't do it. DON'T even think about it.

  3. When she says no, she really means no. Not yes, maybe or ask me again. No means no. N-O. And please, always remember it so you don't get into trouble when you grow up.

Like the Dutch government, I also like to start him young. Unless it's age unappropriate, I prefer to educate my son so he's aware of what's what than to have him go around clueless, or worse, be misinformed.


The Dutchess of Cookalot whipped this up at 5:00 am

3 calories
Wahahahah...congrats, your son is training you to be a mil now, everything must start young eh?. So cute, this puppy love, let him know Aunty Karen wishes him all the best, gambatte!!
Eldest Son had a love affair with a French girl named Clara in his Primary 1 class. It was the greatest love, SHE was holding his hand, hanging on to him, kissing him etc all the time. I could barely get rid of her after school as we were not going the same way...

Then we moved and he went to another school. You'd think that he would have forgotten everything. But no. He's 11 now and sometimes he would say, "Clara's my love. Maybe I'll find her again one day..."

What's wrong with kids nowadays? Why can't they just be kids?
I don't even remember thinking of boys when I was seven! All I could care about was my masak masak (cooking) set and paper dolls.

Come to think of it, everyone should have a Clara in their lives. You know, their one big love.
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