Busy, Busy, Busy
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
It's been hectic since we arrived.
There's always some errand I have to run or things I have to see to. In fact, I've been so busy I haven't had time to stitch - it was just last night I put Lady of the Mist back on the q-snaps. You can't imagine my satisfaction when I made the first jab into the linen fabric. Talk about bliss!
Eversince I whinged about the Great Firewall, Hubs has offered to buy me my own domain. However, that means I have to upload my old entries and template onto a new site. I honestly do not possess the gumption to go there. Also, being the Village Idiot about all things HTML, I don't want to have to tinker about with new webtools or whatchamightcallit. The fact that I wrote my own template on Blogger is a miracle unto itself. I call it beginner's luck and don't want to push it. Besides, Blogger has all these features I've grown very fond of and they keep adding new ones all the time so I'm just going to stay put. Assuming all goes as planned, we'll be home next summer so till then, I'll just put up with it.
So yes, I shall still be continuing with the blog - it takes more than 30,000 faceless draconian censors to get me down - it's just that entries will be fewer than normal until we move into our own place.Labels: Beijing, here and there
The Dutchess of Cookalot whipped this up at 9:01 pm