A Drop Of Kindness
Friday, May 02, 2008

Three weeks back, W - a fellow Dutch colleague of Hubs - handed him a small package saying it was for me. I was puzzled; why the sudden gift and more importantly, what was it? It turned out to be a portion of muntdrops (liquorice coins).
Eh? Then it hit me.
Weeks ago, while chatting with W about this and that, I let on how I loved and missed muntdrops, a habit picked up while living in the Netherlands. Drops or liquorice, are as Dutch as tulips, windmills and wooden clogs. And now, here in my hands were dropjes from W's personal stash he brought along from home. And not just any drops, mind you, they were from Jamin, a popular Dutch confectionery chain of which I'm a big fan of.
How kind and thoughtful was that?

But it was not the end.
Last week, I received a mystery package from yet another of Hubs' colleague who went back to Germany but was now in Beijing again. We briefly met at an after work dinner and made the usual pleasantries and small talk. In any case, I didn't place any significance on the exchange. So, again, why the present and what was it? And yes, you guessed it, another packet of muntdrops. From Klene this time, a popular drop manufacturer. I asked Hubs, heavens, how did he know? Was it W? Is word getting around I'm crazy for dropjes?
Damn, if that's the case, I should've mentioned something about carats too .....Labels: 100% sugar, home life
The Dutchess of Cookalot whipped this up at 7:13 am