Summer Chic
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Throughout summer this year, I practically lived in silk - silk tops, silk skirts and silk dresses. It was so hot and humid in Beijing, silk and cotton were just about the only fabrics I could tolerate.
Here's one of my favourite ensemble during the warm months:

Navy polka-dotted silk blouse puffed sleeved blouse from Ralph Lauren, dark grey pleated skirt from H&M, Ferragamo leather belt and suede cut out ballerina pumps from Zara. You can't see it from the photo but there are cute pleated edges running along the edges of the collar and sleeve bands. They are also a nightmare to press. And yes, I do wear an apron when cooking.
Most days, I don't have anywhere to go save for picking Sonny-boy up from the school bus or a quick trip to the supermarket but I still make it a personal point to 'look okay'. I may be the glorified maid and housekeeper but damn if I'm going to look like one. Besides, I have to wear the stuff I buy somewhere.
Then there are these suede cut-out ballerina pumps from Zara. They are real pretty although I would have liked them to offer more arch support but they don't bite nor cause blisters so I guess that's something.

Even though I brought most of my nice (read designer) shoes with me, I hardly ever wear them nowadays because my shoe-mad heart would bleed buckets should they get soiled or chewed up by the some times uneven and most times polluted streets and pavements here.
Oh well. Occasionally taking them out of their boxes and fondling them will have to do for now.Labels: Beijing, home life
The Dutchess of Cookalot whipped this up at 9:09 pm