And In Other News....
Friday, November 17, 2006
Humpty Dumpty Fatally Injured In Freak Egg-cident
by: The Dutchess, ChannelNews Cookalot
KINGDOM OF COOKALOT: Humpty Dumpty fell off the kitchen counter and onto the floor this morning.
Humpty was last seen sitting in a carton with five other eggs when the accident occurred. Eyewitnesses said that Humpty was 'fooling around, showing off'.
"He was standing on the edge of the carton, pretending to be a tightrope artist. We begged him to get down but he wouldn't listen." said Mr Egg Bennedict, who was among those in the carton box.
Mrs Hard-Boiled agreed. "Humpty brushed us off. He said he's fallen many times and each time, all the King's horses and the King's men put him back together again. I guess he wasn't so lucky this time."
According to those who knew him, Humpty Dumpty was friendly and well-liked. "We'll all miss him - he was a good egg." said Ms Sunny Side Up.
Police do not suspect fowl play and have classified this as an misadventure.Labels: just for fun
The Dutchess of Cookalot whipped this up at 5:16 am