Rest In Peace
Monday, May 19, 2008
Today China obeserves the first of a three day mourning period for the victims of the Wenchuan earthquake.
May their souls rest in peace and loved ones left behind find their own peace too.
As far as tears go, I'm made of stone. I hardly ever cry. Not at movies, sentimental moments, never. Well, except when I'm furious. Like foaming at the mouth furious. But that's not what I want to talk about.
I've been keeping track of the earthquake on CNN and CCTV (local Chinese television network). I don't know if it's CNN's reporting style but it left me cold. As if it was just another natural disaster in another part of the world. Never mind if I was literally shaking with fear yesterday.
Not so with the CCTV broadcasts. Minutes into their news and photo footage, I start brimming up and before I know it, I need a Kleenex. Maybe two. In half an hour, I go through a plethora of emotions ranging from sadness, shock, relief (when survivors, especially children are pulled out of the rubble) and finally respect. Respect for the way the Chinese government, the aid workers and the nation in general are rallying round to help in whichever way they can.
Kudos to all of you.Labels: Beijing
The Dutchess of Cookalot whipped this up at 5:24 am