Blogger's Choice Award Nomination
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Holy smoking wok!
I just found out I'm in the running for Best Food Blog in the 2008 Blogger's Choice Awards. Thank you, Xtralicious for the nomination. It came as quite a shock, albeit a pleasant one. I've never thought myself as a fantastic cook, just a housewife messing about the kitchen trying or rather, pushing her luck with recipes. I've been fortunate so far - I haven't poisoned anyone yet. Or they never lived to tell the tale. Whichever.
In all honesty, I know I have about an ice cube's chance in hell of being a finalist, let alone the winner, but I'm going to be shameless now and ask everyone who reads this blog and likes it, to please vote for me. My dear husband has already shown his spousal support; it was that or the couch for the night . *haha*Labels: just for fun
The Dutchess of Cookalot whipped this up at 6:38 pm