Time Out - For Now
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
It's been so crazy busy at Cookalot I haven't had time to write. It's a miracle I'm still standing or remember my name.
We had a lovely Christmas but more about that later when I have more time to sort out my photos and thoughts. Suffice to say we ate our way through the festive season and have at least three more dinners coming up. Things are not looking good for the waist and hip region but we'll work on it next year, I promise. Note to self: You better, your metabolic rate is not what it used to be.
Anyhow, that's not what this entry is really about.
What I really wanted to say, in my usual meandering way is we're moving. Hubs recently signed up with a new company. The ink had scarcely dried on the dotted line before they send him packing to Beijing. As it's for eighteen months, we thought it's best to go as a family. We leave 2 January 2008. This might seem sudden but in actual fact, we've already known for two months. I didn't want to mention it until everything was concrete. However, with our visas and air tickets arranged and Hubs having received his first paycheck from the new company, this is about as concrete as it gets
The movers are coming on Friday to pack up our bare neccessities, computers included which means I won't be online for at least a week or so.
Here's wishing everyone A Very Happy New Year. I hope 2008 will bring you many pleasant culinary adventures and discoveries.
See you later alligator!Labels: home life
The Dutchess of Cookalot whipped this up at 4:25 pm