Pulled Noodles With White Clams
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I had the good fortune of sampling this soupy dish at a local Japanese noodle house right about the second week we arrived in January. It has all my favourite components: seafood, noodles and tasty broth.
Noodles play a key role in this recipe. La mian, or pulled noodles are a staple in Northern Chinese cuisine. They are sold fresh and can be found in packs over at the cold section of any supermarket, right next to the tofu. And while I may run out of juice or eggs, there will always be a stash of la mian in the lower vegetable drawer of the refrigerator. I love my la mian!
Pulled Noodles With White Clams

You need:
Fresh pulled noodles
1 liter clear fish stock
1 small garlic; thinly sliced
1 stalk spring onion;cut into 2" lengths
white clams, with or without shells on
salt and pepper to taste
dried seaweed
fresh red chilli; thinly sliced
You do:
- Cook pulled noodles, blanch and set aside in serving bowl.
- Add fish stock, garlic and spring onion in a soup pot, bring to boil.
- Add white clams, salt and pepper. Let boil till clams are cooked. Turn flame off.
- Ladle out soup and clams onto cooked noodles. Garnish with dried seaweed and fresh red chilli. Serve piping hot.
Note: It's important to blanch the noodles in cold water in order to retain its springy texture. This is one of the hallmarks of la mian.Labels: asian food, one dish meals, she cooks, soups
The Dutchess of Cookalot whipped this up at 7:38 pm